What Are Eye Exams?
Simple vision acuity tests are fairly routine to the majority of individuals. Acuity exams are also done when renewing your driver's license. However, passing a vision evaluation doesn't mean you are clear of any eye disease. A vision acuity screening simply won't allow a full view of your overall ocular health. That is why receiving a thorough eye exam every two years is extremely important.
At Erdey Searcy Eye Group, comprehensive ocular wellness assessments integrate several important testing procedures that allow our eye doctors to examine your overall eye health. This is particularly important, as many serious, vision-threatening issues, such as glaucoma, won't cause any warning signs.
Stay on top of your ocular health by arranging regular appointments at our Columbus, OH practice.
Medical Eye Exams Reviews
What Can I Expect from An Eye Exam?
When you come in for your exam, you should bring your contact lenses and eyeglasses and a current list of any prescription and over-the-counter medications you are on.
Most eye evaluations last around 30 – 90 minutes. Your eye evaluation will start with a basic visual acuity test to find out how clear your vision is. If this test determines that you need corrective lenses, we will generally then perform refraction testing to determine what your lens prescription should be. To do this, we use a view-finder type machine to determine which objects you see as distinct or hazy.
Then, we will do a visual field test, sometimes referred to as a Goldmann visual field exam, which tells us the range of your peripheral vision and assists in uncovering certain other eye conditions.
Next, we might examine your eyes for strabismus (crossed eyes) and amblyopia (lazy eye) by using a cover test. As its name indicates, we cover your eyes, one after the other, and ask you to look at a certain spot so we can see how your eyes move. We will also have you hold your head still and track a small light using only your eyes.
Then, we will typically perform a test that detects color vision limitations and aids in detecting other eye health problems. Lastly, we will conduct a slit lamp exam to get an enlarged, comprehensive three-dimensional view of the front of your eyes, such as the upper and lower lids, conjunctiva, cornea, iris, and lenses.
It is quite helpful to dilate the pupils with eye drops to more easily examine the condition of the retina, retinal blood vessels, optic nerve, and macula, and to look for signs of glaucoma. Your doctor might be required to dilate your pupils to complete further tests based on your age and the initial reason for your appointment.
Ensure Your Eye Health
A lot of the time, patients don't think about their eye health until a vision problem is noticed. But eye health is so much more than only vision. We invite you to set up comprehensive eye exams for your loved ones and yourself at Erdey Searcy Eye Group in Columbus, OH. At our office, we use state-of-the-art equipment and tests to evaluate your eyes to see to it that any issues are identified and treated early.
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